Auxilium Girls’ Higher Secondary School always starts the new academic Year with praises and thanksgiving to God the Almighty Father. This year, the new Scholastic Year 2020 started with the Inaugural Mass at 9:30 am which was held at the Divine Saviour Parish, Nongthymmai. It was solemnized by Rev. Fr. Glorious Syiemlieh, the Parish Priest of Nongthymmai Parish. All the sisters, teachers, students and the outgoing students of Classes X and XII participated in it with much fervour and great devotion. The Eucharistic celebration began with fervent procession of girls carrying the School Flag, the different colour flags, candles, books, among others. These different symbols were placed before the altar of the Lord imploring His graces and blessings to be with us as we launch this New Scholastic Year 2020 towards greater horizons.


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